Selasa, 30 Disember 2014

Islam is not a religion of Nihilism

 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله

Ini antara yang saya maksudkan sebelum ini,

1. Perhatikan pada seluruh ulama' muktabar dan kumpulan ulama' pada masa ini. Sekadar saya sebutkan yang terkenal, AlHabib Omar di Yaman, Assyahid Syeikh Said Ramadhan Albuti di Syria, Syeikh Ali Jum'ah di Mesir, Nahdatul Ulama di Indonesia, Baba-baba di Patani, Darul Ulum di Asia Selatan. Insha Allah kita akan dapati cara fikir mereka terhadap isu semasa amat mirip sekali. Walaupun mungkin berbeza metodologi pendidikan.

2. Kerana itu. Disebabkan kekurangan yang ada pada diri kita, maka langkah selamat adalah dengan mengambil kira ijtihad ulama' terhadap isu semasa,

3. Teringat pesan Habib Ahmad Almaqdi (lebih kurang);
"Kamu sekadar melihat suatu perkara dari tingkat dua (banggunan). Tapi Ulama melihatnya dari tingkat empat. Manakan sama pandangan kamu dan ulama.." (Sudut pandang lebih luas dan pemahaman agama mereka lebih mendalam)

4. Bila berdepan dengan dunia yang tidak beradab dengan ulama', berlepas dirilah dari situ. Bimbang Ilmu dan Aqal kita belum cukup matang untuk menanganinya.

5. Jika budak kecil berumur enam tahun ditegah dari memandu dijalan raya yang sibuk. Kita juga faham kenapa. Bukan menidakkan keupayaannya berfikir. Tapi bukan masanya lagi.

'This call to warmongering is an invitation to the annihilation of humanity. Islam is not a religion of Nihilism'.
'I want to see our young people thriving and on a path that is flourishing instead of destruction and despair'
'Today those that say we need to use war to establish justice, my argument is that this is not the way we are going to establish justice, we need to establish foundations of peace before the path towards justice, and we need new approaches that differ from our past approaches'
'I am not denying that injustice occurs, and we should work to remove them, what I am saying is that in our approach to addressing injustices we should not create more injustices henceforth we need to develop mechanisms to mitigate injustice'.
'If you want to practice Jihad, you should practice the jihad of being good to your parents and being a good citizen by serving your country'.
'Learn you religions and understand it and it needs rightly guided education, and if you don't learn it you will think you are learning it in a good way when in fact you could be causing harm'
'We need a jurisprudence that addresses our time due to our circumstances'
'Scholars understand the mechanisms to offer solutions for our time especially when concerning religious matters'
'After our forum, some of the youth responded by saying, 'so we don't fight against our oppressor?' What I'm asking is in your response don't kill yourself , you have to look at the cost benefit and the commonweal'
'We are not in solidarity with oppressors, we are in solidarity with the victims'
'We are living in a different abode, hence we need to look at new categories and rulings'
'Individualism has overridden the importance of social
'Concept of citizenship is now different, including the impact of technology'
'The plethora of fatwas that we see today, is creating much confusion amongst Muslims, and in our Sunni tradition we have to ask what is our reference point, as addressing this, will help to remove confusion'
'The problem is not with fatwa, it is the level of education of those issuing fatwa, so we need to take our youth and train them appropriately to address the issues we face today'
H.E Shaykh Abdallah Bin Bayyah at the RIS Convention, December 2014.
Fouzan Khan Feraidoon Mojadedi
Cheikhna Bin Bayyah Mohamad Bin Bayyah Hamza Yusuf Cheine Mohamed Aftab Malik Asad Tarsin